New Free Studies Added
10 new studies have been added to the Free Studies Collection, including a selection of simple zig zag rotation studies, based on a modified version of the native Sierra Chart Zig Zag study.
A Trade Screen Shot study is also now included with the free studies, enabling automatic capture of chart window, Sierra Chart window or the entire Windows desktop – very useful for easily capturing multiple monitor displays!
One other new study added is the Adjust Stop Target study, this allows configuration of ACS buttons (and associated hotkeys) for quickfire stop and target adjustments. The stop target adjustment distance is configurable separately for each chart containing the study, so a single set of buttons or hotkeys can be used easily among different instruments.
All of the studies that are currently included in the collection are listed on the Free Studies Collection product page.
The latest version of the free studies ( is compatible with Sierra Chart version 2249 and later, if you are already using these studies, then the updated file should have automatically downloaded giving you immediate access to the new studies.
Existing Studies Updated
TWFX Swing Delta
The Swing Delta study has been updated to include an extra configuration option, it is now possible to show delta as an absolute value, allowing for easier comparison between adjacent swings.
Coming Soon…
Work is progressing on new custom studies, including some enhancements to the Reconstructed Tape studies, look out for details in future updates.
A members area and forum is also in development, including new membership options and study packages.
If there is a custom study you would like to see offered, requests are always considered, please use the contact form to provide details.