Home Updates Site December 2020

Update - December 2020

Written by: admin


More Free Studies Added

The Free Studies Collection has been updated to include a few extra items!

Hopefully, between these newly added studies and the existing ones, there is at least something that is useful for you in your own trading. All of the studies included in the collection are listed on the Free Studies Collection product page.

Most of these new studies offer only minor enhancements compared to the native Sierra Chart studies, but one that offers functionality that is not native is the ‘Volume at Price for Bars’ study. If you want to write alerts based on per bar volume at price data, as shown when using the Number Bars study for example, then this study could prove helpful, volume at price data is exposed via subgraphs making access for alerts and spreadsheets simple.

TWFX Cumulative Delta Volume – Time Period
TWFX Cumulative Delta Volume – Time Period
TWFX Ask Volume Area Graph with Text Display
TWFX Ask Volume Area Graph with Text Display
TWFX Bid Volume Area Graph with Text Display
TWFX Bid Volume Area Graph with Text Display
TWFX Volume Area Graph with Text Display
TWFX Volume Area Graph with Text Display

One final note on the free studies, the ‘Pace of Tape’ study has been completely reworked to utilize the millisecond time-stamping feature introduced in Sierra Chart version 2156. Whilst the rework of this study was going on, 3 new display modes were also added, meaning that Ask, Bid or Delta pace can now be displayed individually.

The latest version of the free studies ( is compatible with Sierra Chart version 2195 and later, if you are already using these studies, then the updated file will have automatically downloaded when the updated studies were originally released, earlier in the month.

New Custom Studies Added


Maybe it has taken a little longer than expected, but some new custom studies have recently been added to the site. Both of the new studies focus on visualizing order flow, or visualizing the tape if you prefer. The Trade Tape and Reconstructed Tape Chart studies are both explained on their respective update pages and they are both available to test free of charge for upto 15 days.

Reconstructed Tape Chart
Reconstructed Tape Chart
Sierra Chart Reconstructed Tape Chart Study: Build a custom chart from time & sales data / orderflow; Choose the aggregation mode; Filter using trade volume; Visualize relative order sizes using volume dot display; Display large orders and stop orders.
Trade Tape
Trade Tape
Sierra Chart Trade Tape Study: Evaluate time & sales data / orderflow; Combine limit orders to show market orders; Filter using volume; Display using Trade Dot and/or text.

The latest versions of the Reconstructed Tape Chart, Trade Tape and Volume Dots studies are now all compatible with Sierra Chart versions 2195 and later (Trade Tape and Volume Dots are both also available for version 2155-2195 on request). As is the case wioth the reconstructed tape chart, backwards compatibility with versions earlier than 2195 will no longer be included in any future releases.

What’s Coming in 2021?

Chartbooks and Study Collections
The ‘Chartbooks’ and ‘Study Collections’ sections of the website are currently empty, this should begin to change before too long. To begin with, some simple chart book examples, demonstrating the free and custom studies when applied to some of the more popular instruments.

If you need a specific chartbook example, utilizing one of the custom studies, please use the contact form and provide details.

More Free Studies
Hopefully a steady stream of simple free studies will appear through the course of 2021, there are certainly some on the list to be added as soon as time allows.

Remember, the request a study feature is available to all registered members, please make use of it, although no promises that everything requested can be done for free!

Custom Studies
Similarly to the free studies, there are also custom studies on the to do list for next year, some work in progress already too….

Requests for custom studies are welcomed (via the contact form), you may even find that something you are looking for is not too far from being available.

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